
Evidence suggests artificial sweeteners may be dangerous should give us pause

Artificial sweeteners have been added to soft drinks and food another diet since 1981 to help meet the sweet tooth we – and/or control blood sugar-without the calories and sugar.

More evidence that eating homemade try the product drinking water leads to weight loss or control blood sugar is better weak. In fact, recent research has suggested that regular use of sweeteners can actually contribute to diabetes and type-2 gaining weight.

Sucralose, acesulfame potassium, cyclamate, and saccharin is a zero calorie sweetener that has been approved in Canada.

Cyclamate (brand name Sucaryl, twin sugar, low sweeten) and saccharin are not allowed to be added to food; they are sold only as a table sweetener.

Acesulfame potassium and sucralose, the results allowed to add all sorts of food including yogurt, baked goods, pancake syrup, sauce, fruit juice, gum, and soft drinks. Sucralose (Splenda) and income (the same) is available as a table sweetener.

The ministry of Health Canada considers artificial sweeteners five are safe when used in total up to a daily intake that is acceptable (ADI). ADI is the maximum amount considered safe to take any day over the useful life.

For sucralose, the ADI is 5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day, or 340 mg lb 150 (68 kg), the amount found in a package of 28 Splenda or 19 100 grams of strawberry yogurt water source in the brand Yoplait.

Recent findings, however, show that consuming more than half of the ADI of sucralose is not safe.

This study, the control of the court to investigate the effect of the use of cuttings, daily on insulin sensitivity to sucralose 66 healthy adult, normal weight who often do not use artificial sweeteners.
Insulin sensitivity describes how sensitive the body is to the effects of insulin, a hormone that clean glucose (sugar) from the bloodstream. Someone who is sensitive to insulin will need a small amount of insulin to lower blood glucose.

A person with insulin sensitivity low (also called insulin resistance) will require insulin to clean the amount of glucose from the blood flow the same which is great. Insulin resistance is a risk factor of type 2 diabetes

Researchers assigned participants to take a 45-33 percent of daily intake acceptable (ADI) of sucralose for 14 days. They were told to add, the average three packets of sucralose to drink meal three times a day.

Blood samples are evaluated for insulin sensitivity for three hours before and after taking drink artificially cause. The control group has been through the same testing but not to take sucralose.

The people in the group decrease of sucralose is 18 percent, a statistically significant insulin sensitivity compared with a drop of 2.8 percent in the control group significant.

This finding is provocative because it suggests that regular intake of sucralose can lead to insulin resistance in healthy people, normal weight.

Sucralose can affect the control of blood sugar by activating the sweet taste receptors in the intestine, triggers the production of insulin. Artificial sweeteners are also considered to interfere with a good balance of intestinal bacteria in the direction that can lead to insulin resistance and increased weight.


This is not the first study to challenge the assumption that artificial sweeteners are substances inert metabolic.
A study published in the journal Nature 2014 found that mice that eat water impregnated with sucralose, saccharin or the results of the developed glucose intolerance, a precursor of type 2 diabetes. Mice that drink water, try to drink water with real sugar not develop the condition.
The same researchers tested the effect of saccharin seven skinny, healthy; four of the volunteers of the seven developed glucose intolerance.

A Review of studies published last year in the Journal of the Medical Association of Canada found that regular use of artificial sweeteners is associated with weight, waist circumference increased, and the incidence is higher than obesity, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular activities.


Evidence showing that regularly consuming artificial sweeteners can harm the health of the long-term should give us pause.

If You are a daily user of artificial sweeteners, I suggest You take steps to eliminate them from Your diet, or use it only occasionally.

Replace diet soft drinks with mineral water or water flavored with a splash of pure fruit.
If You are a regular sprinkling some artificial sweetener in coffee or tea or more breakfast cereals, reduce gradually. Every week gradually reduce the amount of sweetener You use.
Switch to yogurt and sugar with fruits, even a teaspoon of honey.
This is entirely possible to adjust to the tastes and familiar - and more like-less sweet.
Leslie Beck, a nutritionist based in Toronto in private practice, is Director of food and nutrition at Medcan

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