
Food for the mind: how to enjoy your better brain health

The human brain is made of food, so what we eat and drink affects our ability to keep the mind healthy, smart and active

intuitively we all appreciate that the food we eat will shape the thoughts, actions, feelings, and behavior. When You feel low, You get brown; When You tired, You desire to coffee. We all use food to relieve our feelings and clear our heads without seeming to think much about it.

But the focus of most Diets is the way we look than how we think. This is partly because people of West are interested in appearance, and drugs are biased towards drugs and surgery. In fact, drugs contemporary often feel the way that our diet help form of cognitive health. Medical students are not trained in nutrition. And for what it's worth, do scientists.

When I was still a student recognized, I will be amazed at the simple ingredients how apparently such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and sugar determine whether our brain cells fire or not, grow or not, forms a new connection or forgive and die. Only become apparent in retrospect: sodium, potassium, magnesium, and sugar called is the same nutrition as a diet book or on the label of the food. Simply put, the human brain is made of food.

In the case of concrete, this means that what You eat will only be a part of what You think. For anyone lucky enough to use their brains to live, they have professional results immediately. In the long term, this will affect every one of us, because food affects not only our feelings and thoughts but also the way we age.

This has been the focus of my work as an Associate Director in the Alzheimer's prevention clinic at Weill Cornell Medical College, New York City. Since 15 years ago, we have made a long-term study to show how diet prevent, delay or cause cognitive conditions such as Alzheimer's. The good news is that we have learned so much about what every one of us can do to optimize brain health day-to-day.

Learn to use imaging of the generation and sequencing of the genome, the second place of my work, has helped reveal that some foods such as vegetables, fruits, fish, whole grains, nuts, and seeds is neuroprotective. They not only protect the brain from harm but also support cognitive fitness for life.
It comes as no surprise perhaps other foods such as fast food, fried food, fatty foods excess sugar and crap that is not harmful on the other hand, delaying the U.S. in general, make us feel sluggish and tired, while at the same time greatly increases the risk of dementia.

The effects are very obvious by looking at brain scans of people on different diets. For example, when we compared scans of middle-aged people who have been eating the Mediterranean diet part of their lives with people of the same age consume Western food with unprocessed food, processed meat, sweets, and fizzy drinks, we see how the second group of brain cancer early. Subsequent research provided more evidence of concern that the Western Diet has started to develop Alzheimer's plaques and 40s already in the 50s. These are all signs of accelerated aging and increases the risk of future dementia.

The bottom line is this: the more processed, packaged and refined foods that You eat regularly, the higher the risk of cognitive refused the bottom line.
In terms of food aid, there is no single food magic or supplement will make we a young, healthy and bright-eyed with a perfect memory (and be wary of people who say no). However, there are some best practices that are important and urgent that we should get into the kitchen people.

My five: brain food

• Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, bluefish, sardines, anchovies) contains a perfect mix of nutrients for brain health, which include omega-3 fats (brain-be), Choline (a B vitamin that is necessary to make memories), vitamin B6 and B12 (which is needed to support the nervous system), minerals such as iron and magnesium (required for 

blood and a good amount of protein. Research shows that eating fish just once a week is associated with a 70% reduced risk of Alzheimer's in old age. All the nutrients present in fish, omega-3 seems to be mainly protection against dementia. For those who do not eat seafood, an alternative source of omega-3 includes flax seeds, olive oil, almonds, avocados, and other plant foods.

Dark leafy vegetables (spinach, swiss chard, kale and all kinds of vegetables) and vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage) filled all the vitamins, minerals, fiber and nutrients that are important for a healthy nervous system fight the disease. Large-scale studies have shown that people who take one or two servings of vegetables every day will experience some problems with memory and cognitive decline than those who rarely ate vegetables. Just eat a salad every day makes Your brain 11 years younger.

• Provide (Berries especially black, blueberries, strawberries, Raspberries, but also dark cherries, Mulberries, goji berries) are packed with antioxidants that help maintain sharp memory as You age. They are also a source of fiber and glucose, which are large, the main source of energy for the brain. They are sweet but have a low glycemic index so they help to control the sugar level.

• Some vegetable oils, especially flaxseed oil and olive oil.. This will include nutrition, anti-aging, such as omega-3 and vitamin e. olive oil is also rich in monounsaturated fat, a type of fat that is good for the heart. What is good for the heart is good for brain health.

• Complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, beans, and sweet potatoes, are packed with nutrients that support brain of the protein B vitamins to support antioxidants and minerals. They also are a good source of glucose combined with fiber content which stabilizes blood sugar levels. More fiber, low food effects of insulin. As a result, these foods boost metabolism, support healthy digestion and boost the immune system as well.

• In addition, I always recommend drinking water as the main source of water. Although the water is not always considered food, this is the main source of nutrition for the brain we are Thirsty. More than 80% of the contents of the brain is water. Every chemical reaction that occurs in the brain needs water, especially energy production. 
The brain is so sensitive that even a slight dehydration the loss of water can cause symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, dizziness, confusion, and more importantly, the shrinkage of the brain. Why is this important? Because people usually do not realize that the "water" they drink is the water which is actually not. Purified water, soda water-all drinks are deprived of nutrients the brain valuable natural and electrolytes to stay hydrated and work efficiently. The brain requires more of something wet; It requires real water brings nutrients with it.

Food and nutrients that are very valuable at all levels of life. While the body's nutritional needs vary with age a bit (more protein is required when we are young; more calcium and vitamin D when we are older), this does not seem to be a problem for the brain. However, like any diet, the impact and effectiveness of this food vary massively from one individual to individual. Current research I'm looking for the difference between the way male and female brains are required and metabolize certain nutrients. Note in the research so far: women's brains seem to require more antioxidants, especially vitamins A, C and E (all of which can be found in the plant foods listed above), as well as anti-inflammatory omega-3 found in fish, nuts, and seeds.

In the end, a healthy diet the brain to optimize Your ability to keep the brain healthy, intelligent and active throughout the lifespan-the same time reduce the risk of developing dementia and cognitive impairment associated with age. As individuals and as a community, we should focus on how the food choices we make in our brains, they make us.

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