
Protein comes from cottonseed human nutrition one step closer to reality

Cottonseed that became the basis of the flour to produce protein for millions of people, a project that Dr. Keerti Rathore has devoted more than half his career, is a step closer to reality.

Rathore, biotechnologist AgriLife research plant A & M said receive College Station, Texas Texas A m & "the determination of the application status is not set to TAM66274 ultra-low cotton seed Gossypol (ULGCS)" has been approved by the Animal Department of United States agriculture and plant health inspection services, or APHIS.

John Chancellor the University of Texas A M & sharp, which oversees the Texas M & AgriLife research 11 universities and seven state agencies, said Rathore this work will have a dramatic effect on the entire world.

 "The work and dedication of Dr. Rathore have paid off," said Sharp. "He and his team sample the value of the Texas A & M system, and because of them, more than half a billion people around the world can have access to new forms of protein, and our farmers will be able to get a much better life. "
Through a project funded by cotton incorporated, the team of Rathore, and Texas has developed a plant & M transgenic cotton – TAM66274 – with ultra-low levels of gossypol in the seeds maintain normal to protect the plant gossypol in the whole plant.

Dr. Kater Hake, Vice President of environmental research and agriculture at cotton incorporated, said this has been a journey for decades.

"Gossypol in cotton seeds of oppression have become part of the portfolio of research funded by us for more than 30 years," Hake said. "Needed to explore the potential of the natural protein in the grain; the time for appropriate technologies to develop; and the time for the research team the right to come together. "

Tom Wedegaertner, Director of Research of the seed cotton and marketing at Cotton Inc., demonstrated success in the potential and journey through the legal process.

"Gossypol leaves and stems of the cotton plant become a pest deterrent, but its presence in seeds does not serve the purpose," Wedegaertner said. "The broader use of cottonseed as animal feed and even for human use has been hindered by the level of natural seed gossypol. As we progress through the legal Review, the ability to use the potential of the protein in the seed will be the closer. "

Action validate the USDA yesterday TAM66274 and cotton every online originating from a Cross between TAM66274 and conventional cotton or cotton synthesis of Biotechnology was given the status of which is not regulated by APHIS considered not regulated Federal article, he said.

Just six months after starting work with the Texas A & M in 1995, Rathore, who had never seen cotton planted in the field before coming to Texas, decided something needs to be done to the protein in the seeds of the cotton under-utilized.

For 23 years, he was determined to create cotton plants that produce seeds that contain gossypol at the bottom AS what the food and Drug Administration considers safe levels while maintaining normal levels of gossypol and chemicals the leaves, floral parts, boll skin, and roots.

Gossypol, while toxic to humans and animals monogastric such as swine, birds, fish, and rodents, very useful to the cotton plant defense against pathogens and insects. Therefore, cottonseed containing gossypol is now used mainly as feed for ruminants, either as a whole seed meal or cottonseed after oil extraction.

Tools "Biotechnology-driven technology ULGCS which only became available when I began to see the potential to provide a source of protein for hundreds of millions of people, this new" Rathore said.
 "I am also aware of the value to cotton farmers in one of the gossypols from cottonseed which is issued for each product are expected to increase their income without the extra effort in an additional input, or part of them," he Said. "A product can also be important from the point of view of sustainability because farmers will produce fiber, food, and food from the same plant. "

Cotton-producing countries with a limited supply of food protein can realize many benefits with the use of protein synthesis the seeds as chicken feed, pig species or the cultivation of, said Rathore.

Animals are much more efficient when converting plant protein into meat protein is high quality, he said. The production of eggs and meat will be the most effective use of protein food are available, including ULGCS.

Despite the resistance, the failure and lack of funds, Rathore said, the dedication and loyalty of the team and supporters as the late Dr. Norman Borlaug, known as the "Father of the green revolution," which made him going of this Project.

"Dr. Borlaug's biggest supporter of the project and sometimes the quality when I'm struggling to get a loan and the repetition of the fail-many, it is a word of encouragement that inspires continued," Rathore said.

Although there are a lot of teams over the years working on this project, he said a significant contributor to the development and Dr Devendra Pandeya, Leanne Campbell, Dr. Sreenath Palle and Dr. Ganesan Sunilkumar, all the people involved in Laboratory, the Texas A & m, as well as with Dr. Robert Stipanovic and friends with the USDA's Agricultural Research Service to carry out the biochemical analysis of gossypol level in ULGCS.

 "It feels good this so far has been the Texas AgriLife a & M is only the fourth public institutions that have achieved victory as the flexibility to plant engineering. "

Rathore research, it has been reported in some of the journal Science was reviewed and he was given the number of U.S. patents. In 2006, he published in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences announced the cotton plant has been successfully altered in the lab to "silence" gossypol seed. In 2009, the field tests confirmed the laboratory studies and greenhouse show plants can be a source of protein.

Cotton seeds of the trees meet the standards of the world health organization and the FDA for use in food, he said, so open up the potential to provide a new source of high protein food for hundreds of millions of people per year.

Rathore cottonseed, said about 23 percent protein content, can play an important role in human nutrition with gossypol removed, especially in countries where grain/tuber-based on the provision of calories but the protein content is low.

 "Growing up outside of India as the son of a doctor, I have seen the effects of malnutrition Mai my dad's patients," he said. "A lot of their health problems because of the lack of food and nutrition. "

Rathore said, every pound of cotton fiber, the plant produces about 1.6 pounds of seed. The annual global production is equivalent to about 48,5 million tons of cottonseed.

Rathore said the cotton will continue to grow as a source of natural fiber, but the use of ultra-low gossypol by farmers ' varieties have the potential to make the seed just as valuable as a thread.
"Our approach to the removal of the natural compound, toxic from the seeds of cotton, not only improve security but also provides a novel means to meet the nutritional needs of a growing world population," he said.

In addition to the human aspect, Rathore said the potential feeding of cottonseed gossypol ultra-low as a substitute for fish in the diet of shrimp and flounder South has been proven. Additional cultivation and livestock packed studies are planned to fully evaluate the nutritional value of cottonseed unique.

Even after the obstacles of deregulation has surged, the team knows that work is not done.
 "A great effort the next will be aimed at activities to demonstrate the potential added value of this technology," Wedegaertner said. "The first step will produce seed enough to ULGCS commercial scale production is carried out in the plant of cottonseed oil. This will take several years. "

Rathore said that the development of ULGCS involves several patented technologies, so additional steps must be taken to get an agreement with the patent holder, then to find a company willing to market the property from the seeds of ULGCS and make it available to cotton farmers all over the world.

Rathore says, as a scientist who has been institutionalized and develops this technology, the personal preferences of "I moved to the future will follow the example of 'Golden rice' in the case of use for humanitarian purposes. "

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