
6 things You need to know for day

 1. There are skin care new benefits found to drink lots (and lots) of coffee. 
According to a study using data on more than 80,000 women in four years, women who drank four or more cups of caffeinated coffee a day have a lower risk of 23 percent in a state of chronic Rosacea
— which causes Facial redness — compared with people who drank less than one cup per month. The findings show that coffee can also help those who already have rosacea, says the senior author of the study.

2. nutrients may be more important than exercise for bone strength, according to a new study. 
A new study published in the journal PLOS One found that a diet of mineral-rich calcium and phosphorus is a more important factor in bone strength exercises. However, don't get too excited: studies show that for bone strength optimal, rich in minerals with the diet and exercise required.

3. Mayo Clinic clinical in Jacksonville, Florida, reported impressive results from vaccine breast cancer new. 

Clinical trials of the new at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, testing a vaccine that can cure breast Cancer-triple negative. Currently working with a number of negative side effects. Stacy Hanson, in the last stages of her battle with breast cancer triple-negative, encouraging cancer patients to enter clinical trials, because she believes they can save the lives of millions. 

4. want to live longer? Moved to Spain. 
New research shows that Spanish course to overcome Japan as the country with the longest life. The people in the country of paella, Gaudi architecture, and patatas bravas will live for many years 85,8 average. Meanwhile, the United States fell from 8-43 64th, with the average life expectancy until the year 79,8. 

5. we may eventually find a way to prevent HIV.
According to a study of thousands of people around Australia, regularly consuming a drug called Truvada can dramatically reduce the risk of contracting the disease. The drug also first introduced in the United States, and they are working on a way to make it easier for a larger population

6. popular brand clothes are rethinking the use of plastic.
Everlane just announced that it will eliminate the new or "virgin" plastic in the whole operation by 2021, choose to use recycled plastic bottles to make fabrics such as polyester instead. As we continue to learn more about how prevalent plastic, is located in us, we are sure You will see other brands continue to make the same promise.

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