
A basic guide to healthy eating and removing fat

Develop a better understanding of the macro nutrients, eating for energy, recovery what and When You should eat to eliminate fat.

Whether nutrient macro it

nutrient macro is a brick building from Your nutrition. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats is the foundation that will provide quick energy, help to maintain the energy and monitor blood flow and metabolism. Macro nutrients vary each perform a variety of functions of Your body.

The energy that the body macro nutrient is measured in calories.

  • Carbohydrates 4 calories per 1 g
  • Protein 4 calories per 1 g
  • Fat 9 calories per 1 g
  • Carbohydrates

They provide energy for activity of high intensity, for example Your training. Carbohydrates is one of the cases when it is necessary to distinguish between good people and bad.

Basically, the nutrients that You can find three types of carbohydrates: simple carbohydrates, the carbohydrates are starch and complex carbohydrates complex fibrous.

Simple can be broken down into sugar Table sugar, fructose and lactose free. Sugar is one of the-we have to avoid. We can find it in regular sugar, candy and drink enough. Complex carbohydrates can be found in fruits, vegetables, whole grain products, cereals, rice and... Contain vitamins, minerals and fiber.

The right choice of carbohydrates can also help Your digestive system work properly. It is important to remember that vegetables contain carbohydrates, and not only food such as rice, pasta or bread which is commonly served as carbohydrates in the mainstream culture.


Protein is a group of amino acids that can not be avoided to build and maintain muscle. This Protein also helps with muscle recovery and tissue repair and immune system support.

They are divided into three categories: half important, important and less important.

Our body is not able to produce s itself, why do we need to pay attention to nutrition when it comes to getting some of the amino acids of protein in it.

Natural sources of protein are fish, meat, diary products, eggs, nuts and...


Fat is another part of the nutrients must be carefully distinguished between the better and what can cause damage. 

Trans fats You should not forget. This is contained in fast food is delicious but super unhealthy food and can cause many problems, including diabetes, stroke, and a fireplace. Healthy fats rather than bring dozens of benefits.

Starts with make You skinny, down bad cholesterol up to support the brain and fight cancer. There are several sources of good fats like eggs, avocado, salmon, nuts, olive oil and...

Eat for energy for sport and life

There are many ways that You can improve Your energy, ranging from breakfast nutritious food should include some good fats such as nuts and fruits as an example and also some form of protein. You can also get a great energy booster of iron, found in plants such as spinach or nuts.

Before a workout, You need carbohydrates to provide Your body with energy, so go with complex carbohydrates like sweet potatoes and beans, as well as protein. Essentially, the choice of the right macro nutrients will help You to start and maintain Your energy throughout the day and training.

It is always important for Your body. Sometimes the routine of Your daily diet can hit the wall and You feel like You will lose something. There are various natural supplements that can be of great help by giving You the travel You need.

Read more about natural supplements: eating for recovery after sports

The reason why proper recovery nutrition is important is because the muscles are often partially depleted of glycogen during exercise. Protein and blood cells in Your body also breaks down when You exercise. Take the amount of carbohydrates and protein right after a workout is important. These proteins help build muscle tissue that is damaged.

The amount of protein recommended is 2-2,5 grams per kilogram of body weight. As the main source of protein You should go for natural food. Protein supplements that are directly part of the recovery of protein, but they have to work just as a supplement.

You can see all about protein supplement, benefit and use of the following:
How to lose fat
Before even starting to talk about what You should eat, let s see how You should be eating in... SLOWLY. Nutrition studies prove that slowly eat and chew food carefully help to lose fat and be more careful about nutrition. Chew longer provides the hormone ghrelin is rejected, which stimulates appetite, and more peptide hormones that curb hunger.
Other Tips that help with weight loss:
• Water-when You drink cold water, Your body is using additional energy to heat that the people left burn more calories. After You used to replace drink enough water, that's also a great way to maintain and lose weight.
• All-you-can-eat breakfast is high quality and more importantly, never skip Your morning meal!
• Green tea-green tea contains polyphenos that use the calories into energy instead of storing it as fat in the abdomen. It also stimulates the metabolism. Not only is green tea, but also tea and other herbs very well help in fat.
• Protein-protein hormone increases the level of satisfaction that reduces Your appetite. Protein also improve your metabolism and reduce cravings that lead to overeating.
• Tired of sleep make You overeat, bring more pressure and less energy for training. Therefore, a good night's sleep, which is supposed to be between 7-9 can help You control Your body more effectively and improve daily habits.
• Active-point may not need to can't emphasize. Eat right inevitable even without movement and exercise You will not succeed on how to lose weight and get in shape. 

Foods to avoid

Food and drink You must exclude from Your diet is all that it contains high amounts of added sugar, refined flour and trans fats.

the cause of the drink
Candy Bar
fast food
white bread
fried food
When and how much You should eat?

In the 1960 's, nutritionist Adelle Davis Popularized the phrase "eat breakfast like a king. ", Lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar

You don't need to skip breakfast, which should be rich in energy, protein and healthy fats to give you enough fuel and kick-off to the day. There is a lot of advice and studies that tell how many times a day You need to eat. Usually it is different from 3-6 meals a day and better to eat smaller and more frequent.

 "Try to take 0.75 to 1 gram (g) of protein per pound of body weight and 0.4 g to 0.8 g of fat and carbohydrates. "1 in general, try to keep at least two hours between meals and snacks which is great. This helps to ensure that Your blood sugar levels stable and avoid overeating. The end of the meal is not good practice. You don't need to fill Your stomach before going to bed.

The problem is, everyone has different training and nutritional plan so that there is no rule that applies to all.

Feeding time and the amount depends on how active You are. You have to know what works for You. Some nutritionists recommend eating when You feel hungry, but don't let yourself starve. Eat until You feel full, but don't overeat. And of course, always go for healthy, balanced and of good quality. Find Your own frequency that allows You to bring it into line with the nutrition plan that You select.

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