
Unique 'Time of Adventure' appeal

It's hard to describe Adventure Time. This is a series of stories about a child and his loyal dog who is looking for adventure, but is set after a devastating war, where the magical world emerges from the ruins.

This is a show that I can watch with my 4-year-old son, which we enjoy so much. He managed to attract our attention together, every 11 minutes the episode tells a very easy story, but in the context of the universe and mythology that is growing.

Adventure Time begins with an easy-to-understand concept - Finn (human) and his dog friend Jake (who can stretch his rubber body into whatever shape he can imagine), will go and face problems together. Their main antagonist is the evil Ice King, who wants to capture and forcibly marry Princess Bubblegum, the master of Candy Kingdom.

So far, this is very common. What Candy Government really is, and where the King of Ice came from, does not need explanation - it is the structure of Super Mario, boasting of an empire, a princess, and a non-threatening man. Rinse and repeat, right?
Wrong. The story of the Government of Soft Candy and the Ice King who blushed was the trick of a large volcano, a big myth that would develop into a multiverse, and so on.

Animation legend Hayao Miyazaki is famous for writing his film during production, describing his creative process thus: "I did not make the film. The film made itself and I have no choice but to follow it."

The Creator of Adventure Time doesn't pay attention to the audience a story that has been planned beforehand - they make one when they leave. As J.R.R. the great Tolkien said about his epic, "this story grows in the light."

And the Time Adventure story will finally get to some very dark place, but, nevertheless, it never stops optimizing faith and positivity, with friendship and love being the only constants in a chaotic universe.

One of the early signs that something is not hit by the Land of Ooo, is the emergence of humanoid zombies, frozen in blocks of ice, which are only known as Business Men. Even though these creatures do not threaten Finn and Jake, they are a frightening remnant of the past, only able to understand the world through a boring corporate lens. Tanah Ooo is definitely not their natural habitat, and seeing as Finn seems to be the only living human being, questions arise.

The Adventure Period will finally be dismantled through several episodes that are almost unrelated, some give a small piece of the puzzle, others only hint, and episode episodes that answer very large questions.

The series has gradually revealed that the nuclear war, known as the Mushroom War, almost destroyed the world, destroyed our present civilization and triggered something strange, radiation that reproduces strange life forms.

Bubblegum's daughter doesn't have a 19-year-old daughter - she is an ancient, very clever life form that emerges from a gum-sucking lump, a crazy scientist who builds a whole government, an easy-thinking candy person.

But Bubblegum is not the only easy-to-surface option that is a complex feature that is able to support their own series - almost every character with a speaking role seems to have a story worth telling.

The Ice King, the original antagonist, changed from an attacking king who was obsessed with being a very sympathetic freak. Through a series of flashbacks, the cold-hearted sorcerer was revealed as a wrong old man, a victim of an ancient curse, and in the heart, a very good person.

Every character has grown significantly since the establishment of the series, like in the world of Ooo. Which is interesting, it may also break, seeing because most animated children's series tend to greatly underestimate their audience, keep static characters and rearrange stories at the end of each episode. He is humbling, really; Children's lives are about change, and they are sure to understand it on the screen.

Young people who watch Adventure Time from the start will grow up with Finn, when the previous generation grew up with Harry Potter. Watching Finn develop (even though he retains the same voice actor), from foolish children who find battle, to be emotionally balanced pacifists, reflecting their own personal growth into adulthood.

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